Hard deadline is 9 march but should be executed as early as possible.Give preference to those who can complete the task according to all criteria.
The main goal of this project is to develop a web application that can visualize the operations of a B-Tree. The application should allow users to insert keys (numbers), delete them, and search within the B-Tree. The maximum degree of the B-Tree should be 3. Functionality:
1. Insertion
2. Deletion
3. Search
Visualization: The B-Tree visualization should be animated, similar to the examples provided here: https://github.com/sColin16/Binary-Tree and here: https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/BTree.html. The visualization should be as simple as possible while effectively demonstrating the operations of the B-Tree.
Technical Requirements: The backend: either JavaScript or Python. The frontend can be: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
References: A similar project, found here: https://github.com/avphamdev/b-tree-visualizer, can serve as a reference. However, i encountered difficulties running this project and thus require a new implementation.
Completion Criteria: This project is part of a coursework aiming to visualize the B-Tree algorithm. Even if a partial implementation meeting some of the above criteria will be considered a success if code runs and partly visualize B-tree.

Feel free to adjust the task according to your preference.

Budget: $250
Posted On: April 27, 2023 00:44 UTC
Category: Mobile App Development
Skills:JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Python, Web Application, Web Development, Web Design
Country: United Kingdom
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