App Description:
Our B2C RFQ (Request for Quotation) platform is designed to simplify the process of sourcing products for customers. With our platform, customers can upload a photo of the product they are looking for along with a description and parameters selection. The parameters selection includes dynamic options based on the product category, such as color, similarity level, and other relevant options. Parameters can be inputted by customers using tags, text fields, or dropdown lists. The admin can change parameters from the dashboard.
Once the request is submitted, our platform will automatically match it with relevant suppliers and send them a notification. Suppliers can then submit their quotations to the customer through our platform. The customer can compare the quotations and choose the supplier that meets their requirements.
Our B2C RFQ platform is user-friendly, efficient, and provides a streamlined approach to product sourcing. It eliminates the need for customers to spend hours searching for suppliers, and it provides suppliers with a new channel to connect with potential customers.
App Requirements:
1. User Registration and Login: Customers and suppliers need to register and log in to access the platform's features.
2. Product Categories: The platform should support multiple product categories, and each category should have its own set of parameters that customers can select.
3. Dynamic Parameters: The parameters should be dynamic and can be added, edited, or removed by the admin from the dashboard.
4. Image Upload: Customers should be able to upload an image of the product they are looking for.
5. Parameter Selection: Customers should be able to select the relevant parameters for their request using tags, text fields, or dropdown lists.
6. Supplier Notification: Once a request is submitted, the platform should automatically notify relevant suppliers using whatsapp and app push notification.
7. Quotation Submission: Suppliers should be able to submit their quotations to the customer through the platform.
8. Quotation Comparison: Customers should be able to compare the quotations they receive and choose the supplier that meets their requirements.
9. Admin Dashboard: The admin dashboard should provide an overview of the platform's activities, including customer and supplier registration, and request status.
10. Mobile Optimization: The platform should be optimized for mobile devices to ensure that customers and suppliers can access the platform's features on the go.
11. Security: The platform should be secure, with appropriate measures in place to protect customer and supplier data.
12. Customer Support: The platform should provide customer support through email, chat, or phone to address any issues or concerns.
13. Analytics: The platform should provide analytics to track user behavior, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
In summary, our B2C RFQ platform is an efficient, user-friendly, and streamlined approach to product sourcing. It simplifies the process for customers, provides a new channel for suppliers, and facilitates payment transactions between them. It is mobile-optimized, secure, and provides customer support and analytics to help businesses make data-driven decisions.

Budget: $3,500
Posted On: April 13, 2023 01:01 UTC
Category: Full Stack Development
Skills:SQL, API, PHP, Flutter, NoSQL Database
Country: Malaysia
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