We are seeking a skilled freelancer to develop a web-based and mobile-responsive member progress and attendance system for our martial arts gym. The system should facilitate efficient management of student records and their progression through different belt levels.

Key Features:

Web-based and mobile-responsive platform
Admin area for managing student records
Ability to add, remove, or put students on hold
Belt and stripe system with specific criteria for each belt level
Four levels (stripes) within each belt
Rating and comment functionality for each milestone/technique
Backend flexibility for admin to modify and update requirements
We require a user-friendly interface that allows our administrators to easily add, update, and manage student records. The system should track students' progress, indicating when they have met the requirements for advancing to the next belt or earning a stripe.

Additionally, we want the ability for instructors and administrators to rate students' performance and leave comments for each milestone or technique. This feedback will help students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

To ensure long-term usability, we need the backend to be easily customizable. Our admin should have the ability to make changes to the belt requirements and criteria, adding or modifying techniques as needed.

If you have prior experience in developing similar member progress and attendance systems, please provide examples of your work along with your proposal. We look forward to hearing from talented freelancers who can deliver a high-quality, user-friendly solution for our martial arts gym.

Additional Point: Graphic Visualization and Belt Representation

In addition to the previous requirements, we highly value the visual representation of student progress within the system. We want each student to have a profile picture associated with their account. Furthermore, it is important to incorporate graphical representations of belts, with stripes indicating the student's current level within each belt.

Budget: $500
Posted On: June 21, 2023 01:10 UTC
Category: Full Stack Development
Skills:Web Application, Database Development, Custom PHP
Country: Canada
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