Lowongan Kerja Apotik Puji
Lowongan kerja Apotik Puji - Puji Pharmacy is one of the most complete pharmacies in Jakarta that sells medicines at affordable prices and is obtained from official distributors so that the quality and originality of the medicines is guaranteed. We provide a variety of health products, be it drugs, vitamins, and health supplements.As the most complete pharmacy in Jakarta, Puji Pharmacy currently has 6 branches in various corners of the capital. We accept the purchase of drugs with a doctor's prescription, over-the-counter drug services without a prescription, as well as health services that consumers can easily enjoy.Kali ini apotik puji sedang membuka lowongan kerja sebagai berikut:Juru Racik Apotik PujiKualifikasi :PriaUsia Maksimal 26 tahunPendidikan Minimal SMA/SMKNon Pengalaman di persilahkan untuk melamarSiap di tempatkan di jakarta utaraJujur dan sopanSIM C & STNK AktifMempunyai Motor PribadiPenempatan - Apotik puji cabang padamangan - Jakarta utaraTenaga Teknisi KefarmasianKualifikasi:Laki-laki/ WanitaPendidikan SMKF atau D3/S1Jurusan FarmasiPengalaman Kerja Minimal 1 TahunSTRTTK Aktif (D3/S1)Berdomisili di Jakarta, Depok, & Tangerang Jika Anda Tertarik Dengan Lowongan Kerja Ini Silahkan Apply Cv Kalian Di Bawah IniEmail : hrd@apotikpuji.idSubject : JururacikpadamanganAtau Apply Via Web Untuk Tenaga Teknisi Kefarmasian:Apply HereAlamat Head Office Apotik Mediacare ( Group Apotik Puji )Jl. Kyai Caringin NO.02 Cideng, Jakarta Pusat, kecamatan gambir, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10150

Daftar Isi
Lowongan kerja Apotik Puji - Puji Pharmacy is one of the most complete pharmacies in Jakarta that sells medicines at affordable prices and is obtained from official distributors so that the quality and originality of the medicines is guaranteed. We provide a variety of health products, be it drugs, vitamins, and health supplements.
As the most complete pharmacy in Jakarta, Puji Pharmacy currently has 6 branches in various corners of the capital. We accept the purchase of drugs with a doctor's prescription, over-the-counter drug services without a prescription, as well as health services that consumers can easily enjoy.
Kali ini apotik puji sedang membuka lowongan kerja sebagai berikut:
- Pria
- Usia Maksimal 26 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK
- Non Pengalaman di persilahkan untuk melamar
- Siap di tempatkan di jakarta utara
- Jujur dan sopan
- SIM C & STNK Aktif
- Mempunyai Motor Pribadi
- Penempatan - Apotik puji cabang padamangan - Jakarta utara
- Laki-laki/ Wanita
- Pendidikan SMKF atau D3/S1Jurusan Farmasi
- Pengalaman Kerja Minimal 1 Tahun
- STRTTK Aktif (D3/S1)
- Berdomisili di Jakarta, Depok, & Tangerang