Python and R basic project - Upwork
Choose one ML algorithm and one data set from repository like UCI. Apply onne classification algo on that data set by using python and R. Build two model (%70-%30 and %80-%20) for each language. Build confusion matrix and compare the performance of the models by using ACC, SPC, Sensitiviy, F-measure. You should prepare a word document which contains the code, explanation and output Criteria Decent explanation Coding (must be runned) Output (logically accepted) Word documentBudget: $5 Posted On: May 24, 2023 09:53 UTCCategory: Machine LearningSkills:Python, R, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Analysis Country: Turkey click to apply

Daftar Isi
Choose one ML algorithm and one data set from repository like UCI. Apply onne classification algo on that data set by using python and R. Build two model (%70-%30 and %80-%20) for each language. Build confusion matrix and compare the performance of the models by using ACC, SPC, Sensitiviy, F-measure.
You should prepare a word document which contains the code, explanation and output
Decent explanation
Coding (must be runned)
Output (logically accepted)
Word document
Budget: $5
Posted On: May 24, 2023 09:53 UTC
Category: Machine Learning
Skills:Python, R, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Analysis
Country: Turkey
click to apply