Understanding Hormones of Pregnancy

Jangan lupa membaca artikel tentang bisnis di > Informasi bisnis terbaik 2020. During pregnancy, a female body will react by making changes and producing pregnancy hormones to support the pregnancy itself. These pregnancy hormones are useful to support the pregnancy especially for the baby to develop well. It’s good for pregnant women to know about hormones produced during pregnancy and also the functions and effects caused by them, so there will not be any misunderstandings or even turning them into pregnancy myths for the changes that happen during pregnancy. These are a few hormones produced during pregnancy, and the functions and effects caused:Pregnancy Hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin)This hormone will only be found in the body of a pregnant woman, it’s made by embryo right after fertilization and also because of placenta tissues. The pregnancy hormone that is produced by villi choriales causes the increasing of progesterone production by the egg and suppresses period and takes care of the pregnancy. The production of HCG will increase up until the 70th day and will decrease for the rest of the pregnancy. Pregnancy hormone HCG might have additional functions, such as; HCG affects immunity tolerant on pregnancy. This hormone is an indicator that’s detected by the pregnancy test pack via urine. If a pregnancy test pack detects any increase of HCG hormone level in urine, then the pregnancy test pack will indicate that there is a pregnancy or a positive test result.Cause High level of HCG in blood causes nausea and morning sickness.Pregnancy Hormone HPL (Human Placental Lactogen)Is a hormone produced by placenta, it’s a protein hormone that stimulates development and causes changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolisms. This pregnancy hormone is very important in breasts milk production. Low level of HPL indicates the placenta is not functioning well. Cause Changes on breasts. Breasts get bigger and sore on nipples if touched.Pregnancy Hormone RelaxinPregnancy hormone produced by corpus luteum and placenta. Soften cervical and relaxes the hip joint.Cause Relaxation on ligament and joints.Pregnancy Hormone EstrogenProduced by ovaries and affects the accretion of uterine endometrium, histology changes on vagina. Affects the growth of mammae gland duct during lactation, controls releasing of LH and FSH, sensitizes uterine muscles, loosens up cervix, vagina, vulva, and causes contractions on uterus. Estrogen also toughens up uterine walls to overcome contractions during labor. This hormone also softens body tissues, so body joints and tissues get weak and can’t support your body very well. Really important for the health of genital system, reproduction organ and breasts.Cause Might affect body fluids balance so a fluid hoarding could happen and causes swelling. Besides with the increase of this hormone a pregnant woman also feel pain on her back. Might also cause varices. Pregnancy Hormone ProgesteroneThis hormone is useful for building layers in the uterine wall to support placenta in the uterus. Also useful to prevent contraction moves or uterine muscles wrinkling, so an early labor can be avoided. This hormone also helps breasts getting ready for lactation.Cause This hormone can “expand” veins that lowers blood pressure, that is why you get headaches often during pregnancy. This hormone also slows down digestive system, bloating or constipation. This hormone also affects your moods, increases body temperature, fasten your breathing, nausea, and decrease of sex drive during pregnancy.Pregnancy Hormone MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone)This hormone stimulates pigmentation on skin.Cause Darken the color of nipples area. Pigmentation on face, the insides and the lines from navel to below (linea nigra) Selain sebagai media informasi kesehatan, kami juga berbagi artikel terkait bisnis. Artikel bisnis dan investasi

Understanding Hormones of Pregnancy

Jangan lupa membaca artikel tentang bisnis di > Informasi bisnis terbaik 2020.


 a female body will react by making changes and producing  Understanding Hormones of PregnancyDuring pregnancy, a female body will react by making changes and producing pregnancy hormones to support the pregnancy itself. These pregnancy hormones are useful to support the pregnancy especially for the baby to develop well. It’s good for pregnant women to know about hormones produced during pregnancy and also the functions and effects caused by them, so there will not be any misunderstandings or even turning them into pregnancy myths for the changes that happen during pregnancy. These are a few hormones produced during pregnancy, and the functions and effects caused:

Pregnancy Hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin)

This hormone will only be found in the body of a pregnant woman, it’s made by embryo right after fertilization and also because of placenta tissues. The pregnancy hormone that is produced by villi choriales causes the increasing of progesterone production by the egg and suppresses period and takes care of the pregnancy. The production of HCG will increase up until the 70th day and will decrease for the rest of the pregnancy. Pregnancy hormone HCG might have additional functions, such as; HCG affects immunity tolerant on pregnancy. This hormone is an indicator that’s detected by the pregnancy test pack via urine. If a pregnancy test pack detects any increase of HCG hormone level in urine, then the pregnancy test pack will indicate that there is a pregnancy or a positive test result.

High level of HCG in blood causes nausea and morning sickness.

Pregnancy Hormone HPL (Human Placental Lactogen)

Is a hormone produced by placenta, it’s a protein hormone that stimulates development and causes changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolisms. This pregnancy hormone is very important in breasts milk production. Low level of HPL indicates the placenta is not functioning well. 

Changes on breasts. Breasts get bigger and sore on nipples if touched.

Pregnancy Hormone Relaxin

Pregnancy hormone produced by corpus luteum and placenta. Soften cervical and relaxes the hip joint.

Relaxation on ligament and joints.

Pregnancy Hormone Estrogen

Produced by ovaries and affects the accretion of uterine endometrium, histology changes on vagina. Affects the growth of mammae gland duct during lactation, controls releasing of LH and FSH, sensitizes uterine muscles, loosens up cervix, vagina, vulva, and causes contractions on uterus. Estrogen also toughens up uterine walls to overcome contractions during labor. This hormone also softens body tissues, so body joints and tissues get weak and can’t support your body very well. Really important for the health of genital system, reproduction organ and breasts.

Might affect body fluids balance so a fluid hoarding could happen and causes swelling. Besides with the increase of this hormone a pregnant woman also feel pain on her back. Might also cause varices.

Pregnancy Hormone Progesterone

This hormone is useful for building layers in the uterine wall to support placenta in the uterus. Also useful to prevent contraction moves or uterine muscles wrinkling, so an early labor can be avoided. This hormone also helps breasts getting ready for lactation.

This hormone can “expand” veins that lowers blood pressure, that is why you get headaches often during pregnancy. This hormone also slows down digestive system, bloating or constipation. This hormone also affects your moods, increases body temperature, fasten your breathing, nausea, and decrease of sex drive during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Hormone MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone)

This hormone stimulates pigmentation on skin.

Darken the color of nipples area. Pigmentation on face, the insides and the lines from navel to below (linea nigra)


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